Steve Howe – Guitarscape
As an old Yes fan, I obviously have Steve Howe high on the list of my favorite guitarists. Having said that, however, I have a slightly more ambivalent relationship with his solo albums.
As an old Yes fan, I obviously have Steve Howe high on the list of my favorite guitarists. Having said that, however, I have a slightly more ambivalent relationship with his solo albums.
Ex-Genesis guitarist Steve Hackett was at the Bodø Jazz Open, sandwiched in between the the two strongest storms in Bodø so far this winter. I met up with him and we talked about his new album, having a concert with the spirit world and having Billboard hits.
Ex-Genesis-gitarist Steve Hackett var på Bodø Jazz Open, midt mellom de to kraftigste stormene i Bodø så langt i vinter. Jeg møtte ham og vi snakket om det nye albumet, å ha konsert med åndeverden og det å ha Billboard-hits.
I’ve interviewed the Yes-keyboardist about the new Yes album that will be out on May 19. We also talked about Norwegian grandkids, The Buggles, Asia, GTR and moving on after losing the last founding member of the band.
Jeg har intervjuet Yes-keyboardisten om nytt Yes-album, norsk barnebarn, Asia, GTR og Ole Evenrud!
Det 55 år gamle bandet Yes gir ut sitt tjuetredje studioalbum, Mirror To The Sky, 19. mai. Dette er bare ti dager før de spiller på Sentrum Scene i Oslo.
Yes guitarist, and current band leader, Steve Howe has a over 60 year long and successful musical career behind him. Now he tells his story. Is it worth reading?